Free Affiliate Software for Website Toolbox Community
Launch your affiliate program in under 5 minutes with $0 initial costs.
Simple integration with your Web builder software
Integrate Website Toolbox Community using Zapier
No credit card required
FREE up to $1,000 monthly revenue
Unlimited affiliates, clicks, and conversions – all available in a simple dashboard with real-time reporting included in the FREE plan. You can enjoy trackdesk totally for FREE until you reach $1,000 in monthly revenue. No profit means no costs. Pay as you grow!
3-simple steps: Start, Launch, Succeed!
Set-up the affiliate tracking and kickstart your affiliate program.
Integrate trackdesk seamlessly with your website and payment provider. No technical expertise needed. Connect Website Toolbox Community for affiliate sales tracking via our Zapier integration.
Choose from our pre-defined templates, customize them to your preferences, and you'll be all set!
Expand your network by inviting affiliates through branded registration forms, or simply add them manually.
Hundreds of companies across all industries, including IT, Fashion, Finance, Crypto, Health, Gaming, and Entertainment, have already grown their revenue with trackdesk. Adding an affiliate, referral, and partnership program into your marketing mix can increase revenue by an average of 20%+.
Could it be even better? Yes! You don't need to worry about the costs. You can enjoy trackdesk totally for FREE until you reach $1,000 in monthly revenue. With us, no profit means no costs.
Website Toolbox Community is a versatile software solution that empowers website owners to create and manage online communities effortlessly, fostering engagement and interaction among users.
They've already made the decision.
See who's on board.
Website Toolbox Community is not enough?
Don't worry about the TECH stuff. We've got you covered! Trackdesk seamlessly integrates with hundreds of tools. All the integrations are included in FREE plan.
Ready to Launch your
Affiliate program?
Kickstart your affiliate program in less than 5 min.